FBI | Internal Affairs Guidelines


Information Sheet

All information contained within this document is property of the FBI.


➜ Division Overview

➜ Chain of Command

➜ Division Recruitment Process

➜ Uniform Guidelines

➜ Punishment Guidelines

➜ Quota

➜ Trello

➜ Standard Procedures

➜ Disciplinary Documents

Division Overview

Occupation Description

Individuals employed within the Intelligence Division have a numerous set of duties to complete. Individuals within the Intelligence Division are tasked with ensuring personnel within the Federal Bureau of Investigations are held to the utmost standard of the Department and hold all personnel accountable for their actions. With being employed within the Intelligence Division, individuals must be willing to complete any task assigned at any given point in time to a satisfactory level. Maintaining the standard procedures of the Department to a satisfactory level is significant as it will ensure the Department is held to the utmost standard in which will ensure that personnel complete their duties as well as represent the Department in an appropriate manner. When completing the duties of the Intelligence Division, personnel must ensure they complete all set work for the task to a satisfactory level.


Individuals employed within the Intelligence Division are tasked with investigating incidents to ensure that reports are handled accordingly. Intelligence members must also be able to extensively review any claim of misconduct regardless of individuals involved, such as personnel failing to abide by set Department guidelines. Individuals employed within this Division must also be able to collect information and be able to review previous incidents to effectively evaluate the matter. Individuals employed within this Division must also be capable of collaborating with other personnel within and outside of their Department as well as staff members to effectively investigate cases of misconduct.


Individuals employed within the Intelligence Division are tasked with thoroughly evaluating information to assess each situation accordingly. Individuals within this Division must also be capable of reviewing lengthy information and assessing its reliability. In addition, individuals must also be capable of discussing and explaining their reasoning to a satisfactory level.


Individuals employed within the Intelligence Division are tasked with providing guidance to personnel to ensure the conduct of personnel are at a reasonable standard. In addition, personnel must be capable of adapting to the changes and assist with the needs and requirements of all personnel on a daily basis to ensure personnel are capable of completing their set duties.


When dealing with reports,it is crucial that the Intelligence Division respects the requests for confidentiality and not share information with unauthorised personnel. Personnel should not disclose any details related to the incident including individuals involved and the context surrounding it unless the individuals involved grant the Intelligence Division to do so. Respecting the confidentiality of individuals is important in maintaining trust.

Chain of Command

The Federal Bureau of Investigations Department is currently under the direct authority of the Director of the Department, xzrfxs. The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations is responsible for overseeing all operations within the Department including the Divisions within the Department. The Federal Bureau of Investigations employs individuals to direct Divisions within the Department. The Director of the Intelligence Division is responsible for managing ongoing investigations of misconduct and providing guidance to personnel within the Intelligence Division. Those seeking positions within the Division’s leadership team must fulfill all duties of the Intelligence Division to an exceptional standard and must demonstrate strong leadership skills. Individuals who are employed within the Division hold the responsibilities of the Intelligence Division, Department rank as well as other positions they are employed in within the Department.

Rank Structure

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations

Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations

Director of Intelligence
Deputy Director of Intelligence

Division Recruitment Process

The Intelligence Division is a Division within the Federal Bureau of Investigations Department in which individuals are chosen based on the experience and qualifications of personnel to ensure individuals are capable of fulfilling the duties required of this Division. Upon selection, all individuals undergo a 1 week observation period which may be extended based on performance. After this period, a mock test is administered to assess the individual’s knowledge and skills. The quiz results are reviewed by the Director, Deputy Director. Based on their evaluation, the individual may be offered a permanent position within the Division. Personnel will also be provided feedback based on their performance throughout their observation period as well as quiz results.

Uniform Guidelines

Personnel of the Intelligence Division are mandated to utilise set equipment to ensure the professional appearance of personnel. Personnel of the Intelligence Division are permitted to use all of the FBI uniforms and vests.


Personnel of the Intelligence Division are permitted to request a customised uniform to suit the duties of the Intelligence Division, however, the request must be completed via the Director of Intelligence and/or the Director of the Department.

Punishment Guidelines

The Intelligence Division has access to a punishment guideline to ensure the disciplinary action decided upon is given fairly to all personnel. The punishment guidelines is accessible through the application, Trello. The punishment guidelines are set to avoid favoritism and should be followed at all times.


All personnel within this Division are mandated to answer 3 tickets or have effectively assisted in 3 tickets which are due weekly. Personnel within this division are also mandated to complete the quota for their Department rank, 5 hours bi-weekly as well as the quotas of the divisions they are employed in. The quota of all personnel will be tracked via a announcement made in #alerts. The exemptions of the quota for the Intelligence Division are the same as the Department’s exemptions.


The Intelligence Division utilises Trello to log information which is significant. It is crucial that all personnel log significant information to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of this Division. This is due to the fact that information can be erased within the communications server. The Intelligence Division Trello is to be utilised to log signification information such leave of absences, watchlists, mandatory retrains, suspensions, terminations, blacklists, resignations as well as verbal warnings, however, not not limited to. The information logged within the Trello should be logged using the formats set to ensure the information can be easily accessed.

Standard Procedures

Personnel within the Intelligence Division who have passed their observation period as well as the mock test and hold the rank of Supervisory Agent are permitted to approve their own documents when disciplining personnel. However, personnel holding the rank of Special Agent and Senior Agent are not permitted to approve their own documents and are mandated to request approval from the Director, Deputy Director or a Supervisory Agent+  before submitting the disciplinary action. When handling reports and there is a report against a member of IA, you are mandated to contact the Director of the Department for them to handle the report. When handling reports ensure you utilise the punishment guidelines to avoid favoritism. When handling reports against personnel, you should refer to FBI | 01-003 Dossier.


Otherwise known as task assignments, the Intelligence Division must help contribute to the department's overall success in order for it to be an effective and efficient department. Therefore, members of this Division have been chosen to oversee a variety of departmental responsibilities. Each Internal Affairs Agent will be appointed to one, announced in the alerts channel.

Disciplinary Documents

Letter of Counseling

Letter of Counselings are used to write formal warnings.

Letter of Counseling Sample

Letter of Counseling Admin Report Sample

Letter of Reprimand

Letter of Reprimands are used to write suspensions

Letter of Reprimand Sample

Letter of Reprimand Admin Report Sample

Letter of Discharge

Letter of Discharges are used to write demotions/terminations/blacklists.

Letter of Discharge Sample

Letter of Discharge Admin Report Sample


Director of FBI
